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An Exploration of History, Heritage and Identity through clay


On August 2020, I was invited to give a talk as part of Ceramics for Charity first virtual fundraising event. In order to raise funds to support Black Lives Matter charities and other organisations working with Anti-Racism, Human Rights and dignity for all, Ceramics for Charity hosted a 36-hour event that included workshops and talks by ceramicists from all over the world.

In the context of the current surge in activism as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement and the Covid-19 social crisis, I reflected on how I believe our focusing on what makes us different is the source of all discrimination and how I see clay as one of the very few things that can bring us all together.

As a maker I have always been interested in revisiting traditions in order to connect to my heritage and other humans around the world, do my best to keep those traditions alive and also shape my own identity.

Here you have the talk. I hope you enjoy it! And if you have any questions, or comments, do not hesitate to drop me an email. I would love to hear your thoughts!

The projects I mention are:
- Ceramics & Embroidery
- Los Pasados de Moda
- Baney Clay: An Unearthed Identity